Click-to-contact-blazeHow To Tone Up With Blaze Body Contouring

imagesYou may be wondering exactly what to do to get more definition in your body. The answer is simple: lose body fat. Blaze Body Contouring will help to trim away fat in target areas while you take steps to lose weight over all. Your efforts should include 3 key elements: Regular cardio exercise, consistent strength training for all your muscle groups and a healthy, low-calorie diet.

You can reduce fat with cardio and weights. Strength training builds muscle, which helps with fat loss in the long-term. Did you know that a pound of muscle can burn about 20-30 calories a day and the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn all day.
As you get older, you will naturally lose muscle mass unless you lift weights or exercise to build muscle. This activity will also help you build stronger bones, improve your flexibility and balance. You’ll not only feel better, but you’ll also feel better about yourself by toning up.

Exercise during the winter months

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Step 1:

Join a gym and make a schedule for when you are going to exercise there. Gyms offer many ways to exercise, including cardio machines, free weights and recreational opportunities such as basketball and racquetball.

Step 2:

Stay active around the house. While it may be cold outside, there are things you can do inside your house, such as sit-ups and push-ups, that will contribute to weight loss.

Step 3:

Maintain a healthy diet. Don’t use the wintertime as an excuse to eat whatever you want. To lose weight in the winter, make sure you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and stay away from fatty foods and fast-food restaurants.

Step 4:

Hold yourself accountable. If you miss a day at the gym, work even harder the next day.

Step 5:Walking-in-autumn-leaves

Take up a new hobby or participate regularly in an activity that you enjoy, go for a walk every day or join a dance class. You will lose weight and have fun at the same time. If you see results from participating in activities you enjoy, it’s likely you will stay motivated.

The summertime offers plenty of opportunities for people to lose weight. Generally, people get more exercise in the summer because they spend more time outside and are more active, but there are some simple steps you can take to lose extra inches during the fall and winter months.

Call Blaze Body Contouring at 484-897-0278 in Bethlehem or 570-285-5273 in Scranton. See fat loss, then maintain your results with a new approach and new physical activities.



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