You might not want to hear this, but there are 10 sure-fire ways to blow your diet. And most of us fall victim to at least one of these weight loss fails every single time we try to lose weight. So why are these blunders so common? Because we are creatures of habit and habits are hard to break.
Check this list to see which weight loss fails look familiar to you. Then click on the links to find simple solutions to turn your diet failure into long-term weight loss success.

You ignore mindless eating

Do you often grab for sweet treats when you feel sad or anxious? Do you crave salty crunchy snacks when you’re bored? No matter how much weight you need to lose, you need to find out why you eat more than you need to. Many times this means that you need to face emotional eating issues that cause binge eating or overeating. The process may be as simple as identifying alternative activities or as intensive as seeking professional help.

You follow a super strict diet

When diets rely on one type of food or cut out entire food groups, they’re too difficult to stick to for any length of time. Ask anyone who tried the grapefruit diet or any of the popular juice cleanses. Some very low calorie diets don’t provide enough nutrients to give you the energy you need to get through the day. And many times, dieters end up gaining weight instead of losing weight because they overeat out of starvation.

You don’t plan for fatigue

Almost every dieter gets tired. Most dieters also get stressed, frustrated and emotional at some point during the weight loss process. It’s normal. But if you don’t have a plan in place to manage this hurdle, it could undo your best attempts to slim down. You will hit a plateau, and you will want to give up.  Make sure you have a plan in place to manage those struggles before they hit.

You don’t ask for help

Everything is harder when you try to do it yourself. Weight loss is a perfect example. Studies have shown that dieters are more successful when they ask for and get diet and exercise support. So why not reach out and ask for assistance? Friends and family may be willing to offer emotional support, you may friend coworkers who can help you lose weight on the job and some dieters even find diet support in their church or synagogue.

You mess up breakfast

For dieters, breakfast can be the most important meal of the day.Why? Because it’s a meal that can either set you up for diet success or send you into weight loss ruin. A healthy, low-calorie breakfast that includes fiber or protein-rich foods is likely to keep you full and satisfied until lunchtime. But don’t make the mistake of thinking that breakfast calories matter less than lunchtime or dinnertime calories. Breakfast calories don’t have any magical ability to boost your metabolism or make you lose weight faster. Sadly, that is a weight loss myth.

You don’t keep a food diary

It is nearly impossible to learn to lose weight successfully if you don’t keep track of what you eat. So, it’s critical that you keep a food journal before you diet and while you are losing weight. How can you know where you’re going if you don’t know where you’ve been? To get a real grasp on what, how much, and why you’re eating, keep an honest food diary for at least 10 days.

You set unrealistic goals

At the beginning of your diet, you’re likely to have exciting goals. But are your goals realistic? Avoid setting goals that even the most devoted dieter couldn’t meet. Instead, take 20-30 minutes to set SMART goals like the best weight loss coaches and personal trainers do. This short process can set you up for success by guiding you through challenges as they arise and lay the path for long-term weight loss success.

You weigh in every day

What’s the best way to derail your diet enthusiasm? Weigh yourself every day. Some people can handle frequent weigh-ins, but most people are affected by daily fluctuations that happen as a normal part of the weight loss process.  Invest in a good scale and keep it in a place where you see it every day. But don’t use it more than once a week. Weighing in daily is a sure-fire way to give up on a diet before you’ve given it a chance.

You exercise too much, too soon.

Over exercising can lead to burn out. And you may even put yourself at risk for overuse injuries when you exercise too much or too hard. At the beginning of your weight loss journey, get plenty of physical activity each day and slowly add exercise sessions. A few minutes every other day is an excellent way to begin if you’ve been sedentary.

You don’t plan a transition

If you plan well and you stick to your diet, you’ll reach your goal weight. You should celebrate your success. But if you don’t have a transition plan in place, you should celebrate cautiously. Because you might regain the weight. Make sure that you know how you will maintain your weight loss after you reach your goal.



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